Deery Brothers of Ames, Inc.

Aug 19, 2022

How Long Do Car Batteries Last?


How long do car batteries last?  Typically car batteries will last you 3-4 years. Some vehicles will allow you to get 5-6 years out of your battery, but others may start to have issues or die after just 2 years. There are several different things that can impact your car battery’s life, and checking your battery with regular maintenance will help to keep you safe and free from getting stuck with a car that won’t start.

What can impact the life of your car battery?

One of the biggest impacts on your battery that people do not know is how long you drive your car for. If you do not drive your car often or only for short periods of time (like a short 15 minute commute), it could shorten the life of your battery in the long run. Take a longer drive over the weekend or take the scenic route to work once in a while. Your battery will thank you for it.

Another issue is if you leave things running for long periods of time while the engine is turned off, like leaving on an overhead light or your headlights while the car is off. This usually happens when people leave a reading light on while the car is off and sitting in the garage all night. This can kill your battery and leave you with a dead battery in the morning.

Another issue that isn’t well-known is the climate you live in. Climates that are hot year round can impact the life of your battery versus cooler climates or climates that change with the seasons, giving your car a break from the heat each year.

How do you know if your battery is low?

One of the easiest ways to tell if your battery is starting to go bad is to pay attention to how long it takes to start it up. If your car is taking longer to turn over, your battery is likely starting to have trouble. This happens because the battery is getting weaker and needs more power to start your vehicle properly.

Another way to tell if your battery needs to be replaced is if your lights are dimmer than usual. This is another indicator that your power is weaker and therefore so is your battery.

You can also take a look at your battery and inspect it visually. Are there cracks? Signs of corrosion? Some batteries may even start to smell like sulfur (a rotten egg smell) as they age and need replaced. If you see any of these signs, you should take your vehicle in for an inspection and have the battery checked and likely replaced immediately. You do not want to find yourself stranded with a dead battery. Getting it replaced before this happens is way easier than dealing with a dead car.

How long will my car battery last?

Battery Services at Deery of Ames

To ensure your car is in tip-top shape, you can easily schedule maintenance at Deery of Ames and have your battery checked. We are proud to offer high quality maintenance, repair, and replacement from our knowledgeable staff right here at Deery of Ames..

To learn more about your car battery and if it needs to be checked, give us a call or schedule an appointment to meet with our service technicians today!

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