Deery Brothers of Ames, Inc.

Jul 27, 2021

Jeeps in Deery of Ames Service Bay

It’s almost that time of year again – students will be heading back to their classes in August or, at the latest, September. Whether you or your child is going back to high school or to college, the list of things to check up on to ensure safe driving is the same. This article is going to list and discuss three things that every student should check on their vehicle before heading back to school.


As you can surely tell from the section heading, the first thing that we recommend getting checked on your vehicle are the brakes. No matter how well someone drives, brake pads are going to get worn down – it’s in their very nature. Thankfully, it’s not a terribly expensive procedure to have done, even if the pads need to be replaced. The consequences of using worn-out brake pads can be fairly serious, so we really must emphasize this one.

Oil Change

Once classes start in earnest, the last thing a student wants to do is take their car to be serviced. Even something as routine as an oil change would take up time that could be better spent in the library (because that’s certainly where young college students prefer to spend their time). So, even if the vehicle in question has a few hundred miles left before needing an oil change, it may be best to take care of this before your student heads back to campus.


This last item on the list is perhaps the most complex. Getting an inspection done usually requires an appointment in advance, and it can take a while. That is a great reason to get this done before the school year starts! A clean inspection will also lend parents peace of mind – you can rest assured that there is likely not a major repair lurking inside the vehicle that your child is driving. Auto technicians are also likely to mention if the car needs its tires rotated or the like when the inspection is done, which is quite helpful.


Making sure that you or your student has a safe, well-functioning vehicle before they head back to school is a great thing to do as summer wraps up. Luckily for students and parents in the Ames area, we have a full service garage down at the dealership! Whether you need your tires rotated, your oil changed, or an inspection, we’d be pleased to help you out. Our staff prides itself on its long tradition of service in the community; when you do business with us, you can be sure that you’ll be taken care of at Deery of Ames. We look forward to seeing you soon!